I look forward to partnering with International Messengers again in two English-Teaching camps. In between each camp I will help a local leader conduct follow-up.
I look forward to partnering with International Messengers again in two English-Teaching camps. In between each camp I will help a local leader conduct follow-up.
Where: Somewhere East of the Atlantic
Why: Support and boost the small, yet growing, community. Reconnect and cultivate friendships made during last year's trip.
Who: Several families befriended by the community, seeking answers to life's questions, will attend one camp. The other camp will invite local youth. Also, this time I will be spending more time with the leaders of this community seeking direction for me in the future.
If you are led, please make checks payable to International Messengers and put CCW in the memo. Send them to the address included below. The amount required is around $4,000. Thank you for your thoughts and financial support.
International Messengers
PO Box 618
Clear Lake, IA 50428-0618
Phone: (800) 243-6763
Email: office@im-usa.org